Nursery Stock Direct
Nursery Stock Direct by Shannon offers expanded selection of locally grown nursery plants delivered to your door. Our Selection includes Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Evergreens, Groundcovers and More. This program also offers expanded selection of professional grade lawn products for DIY Lawn Care.

Lawn Products Direct
Lawn Products Direct by Shannon offers expanded selection of professional grade grass seed and lawn fertilizer ground shipped to your door in Connecticut & Massachusetts.

Lawn Care Delivery
New Lawn Care Delivery Route Truck delivering pro-grade lawn products to your door. We offer Expanded Selection of Lawn Products from Lebanon Turf, ProScape, Country Club, Turf Care Supply, GreenPeak and The Andersons.

Sod Delivery Direct to Jobsite
Sod Delivery Direct by Shannon offering farm fresh sod delivered from local sod farms delivered to your home or jobsite in Connecticut or Massachusetts